Listen: China Digs – Star Wars Trilogy Blues
This entry involves a bit of nepotism. I met Jason Groteleuschen back in 1997 at the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund Internship training seminar. We’ve stayed in touch over the years because we’re both music nuts.
I’ve even reviewed his old band, the Prarie Cats, a number of times in the past.
Before the Prarie Cats, Jason had a band in college named China Digs. He handed me one of their CDs, and I listened to it. I liked it, but I was particular enamoured of a hidden track at the end of the album.
At the time, George Lucas unleashed his remastered Star Wars trilogy to the public. So the intensity of that hype was very much topical.
Check out the imitation of Luke in the middle of the song. And I’m sure Jason really meant, "That’s hotter than the Tatooine system!"
Fear not the geek theme of this song — it’s pretty fucking funny.
(Posted without permission. Of course.)
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