Monthly Archives: September 2009

See you on the other side of November

I’ve got a lot of things happening personally that’s pretty much knocked the wind out of maintaining this site.

I’m biding my time till November, when I finally travel to Japan with my brother. I’ll be gone for most of that month. I’m working on some cover albums — yes, plural — for Eponymous 4, and when I’m in that headspace, it’s hard to get out of it.

I’m not listening to anything new at the moment. Shiina Ringo’s Sanmon Gossip is the last new release I bought. Everything else I’m consuming right now is catalog. (I may finally be warming up to Hüsker Dü.)

I’m also in the beginning stages of a relocation. I’ve already made the decision to move, but now it’s just a matter of the actual work — combing through job listings, saving up money. I would hope to move before the next 70 days of triple-digit heat that is now the norm for Austin summers, but I don’t get the impression the overall economy would be so accommodating.

With all that going on, updating this site has unfortunately become a low priority.

Oh, but I hope after the trip I have lots and lots of stuff to say.