Monthly Archives: February 2014

Looking ahead: March-May 2014

Utada Hikaru, First Love (15th Anniversary Edition), March 10

Utada Hikaru was a teen-ager when she released her debut album in 1999. My how they grow up, and damn am I old.

Juanes, Loco de Amor, March 11

Around the time Juanes released his third album, Mi Sangre, I was more in the frame of mind for rock en Japonés than rock en Español, but streaming services have allowed me to catch up and rekindle my interest.

[Cocco - Pas de Bourée]Cocco, Pas de Bourée, March 12

Cocco releases are few and far between these days, so a mini-album after three years is better than nothing.

Kylie Minogue, Kiss Me Once, March 18

Kylie Minogue takes a Duran Duran approach to albums — the scaffolding is much the same, but the details differ from one album to the next. That makes comparing Fever to X, or Body Language to Aphrodite unproductive. So too I imagine with this album.

[Royal Wood - The Burning Bright]Royal Wood, The Burning Bright, March 18

Yeah, Royal Wood has a great voice and his songs are rather good. But allow me to be shallow and mention that he’s really, really pretty.

The Bad Plus, The Rite of Spring, March 25

This trio made arrangements of Gyórgi Ligeti etudes. They have the moxie to tackle Stravinsky.

Inventions, Inventions, April 1

Matthew Cooper of Eluvium + Mark Smith of Explosions in the Sky = post-rock super duo.

Emmylou Harris, Wrecking Ball (Deluxe Edition), April 8

I wouldn’t have started listening to country music if it weren’t for this album. The Deluxe Edition includes outtakes and a documentary DVD of the making of the album.

Matt Alber, Wind Sand Stars, April 14

Matt Alber has been two for two in making the year-end Favorite Edition list. Will he make it three for three?

Natalie Merchant, Natalie Merchant, May 6

I’m hoping the mirth Natalie Merchant displayed at her show with the Seattle Symphony in 2011 makes its way to her second album for Nonesuch.