Monthly Archives: July 2009


One of the more enduring in-jokes at Metafilter is HI I’M ON METAFILTER AND I CAN OVERTHINK A PLATE OF BEANS. It essentially means over-analyzing something fairly trivial, something that doesn’t happen on this site. Oh, no sir.

But I may be overthinking how much I write — or lately, how much I don’t write — for the site. I’ve got tons of stuff playing on the media player, and they’re all organized by all sorts of priorities, but do I actually sit down and get through all that work? No, not really.

In 2005, I revamped this site from a fairly interactive music zine to a simple weblog. Now it feels I need to rethink my content priorities again.

I can’t seem to shake this sense of obligation to write about every single thing I’m listening to, which is not helped by the fact I can have tons of stuff on the media player at any time. And this blog is not the only outlet of expression I have.

So I think I’m just going to continue to post once in a while when something pops up — some release news — but for now, I need to take some more time to figure out about what I want to write and how I’m going to write it.

Is this what happens when you push a blog down a hill?

I don’t have much sidebar real estate to devote to my blogroll, and in reality, a lot of the blogs to which I’m subscribed in Bloglines don’t update very often.

Of the ones I read, a fraction of them has a content that makes its way here to (Oh, who am I kidding? This site is essentially localized into English.)

After all this time, though, I ought to acknowledge some of the other sites I read when I’m not updating this one:

  • Alex Ross: The Rest Is Noise I actually like Alex Ross more as a print writer than as a blogger. I pretty much follow it to keep up with what he writers for the New Yorker.

  • Amped Out In my quest to find music by gay artists that don’t suck — and that’s a tall order, in my book — I follow this music blog published by PlanetOut. Most of the time, it dishes on gay-marketed music than actual music by gay artists.

  • ArtsJournal ArtsJournal is an arts-focused aggregator, and it used to have a separate feed for its music coverage. I think I prefer reading about all the arts now.

  • aworks I can more than guarantee that whatever Robert Gable is listening to is something you are probably not.

  • This site would not still be running if it weren’t for

  • I’d call this site the Pitchfork of Japanese indie rock, but the writing on Keikaku isn’t insufferable. I actually lurk on the forums more than anything else.

  • purple Sky I actually contributed something to the purple Sky print magazine a while back — just a top 10 list. I found the site in my referral log one morning, and I’m glad to see they’ve moved the content online. Then again, a print publication is kind of a crazy proposition in this media climate.

  • The Standing Room Actual blog posts on the Standing Room have become few and far between, but the linklog has some really great finds.

Release news round-up: Onitsuka Chihiro, ACO

Used to be, the moment I would come across some release news, I’d jump online and post about it here. These days, I’ve been far more distracted, and I’m much more willing to let things slide. Still, I ought to mention a few upcoming releases that may interest long-time readers, although by now it’s pretty much old news:

  • Onitsuka Chihiro is set to release a new single on Sept. 2 titled "Kagerou". Tokunaga Hideki and Sakamoto Maskayuki, who worked with Hirahara Ayaka on the hit song "Jupiter", produced the new single.
  • Victoria over at purple Sky comes through again with this tidbit about ACO she scooped in the comments of a recent entry. ACO is set to release a new single, titled "My Dearest Friend", on Sept. 2 as well. Another single before the end of the year precedes an album. I kind of wondered when Golden Pink Arrows would release something.

Minimalist knock, knock jokes

I’ve seen the Philip Glass knock-knock joke ascribed to Steve Reich. I think the two jokes ought to be distinct.

Here’s the Philip Glass joke:

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Philip Glass

I think the Steve Reich knock-knock joke ought to go something like this:

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Kknock kknock? Wwho’s tthere?

Knknock knknock? Whwho’s ththere?

KnoKnock knoknock? Whowho’s thethere?

KnocKnock knocknock? Who’who’s therthere?

KnockKnock knockknock? Who’swho’s therethere?

Knock,Knock knock,knock? Who’s who’s there there?

Knock, Knock knock knock? Who’s who’s there there?

Knock,Knock knock,knock? Who’s who’s there there?

KnockKnock knockknock? Who’swho’s therethere?

KnocKnock knocknock? Who’who’s therthere?

KnoKnock knoknock? Whowho’s thethere?

Knknock knknock? Whwho’s ththere?

Kknock kknock? Wwho’s tthere?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Steve Reich

Yeah, that’s why I’m not in comedy.

Favorite edition 2009: Quarter second

When I look at the titles occupying my various listening playlists, I notice a lot of catalog titles. That doesn’t bode well for 2009 releases. How can I make a Favorite Edition list when I’m not paying attention to what’s being released? As a result, only nine slots on this list of 10 are filled. I haven’t done much research to see if Q3 promises anything to fill that last spot, and if it did, what are the chances some old album by the Dukes of the Stratosphear won’t distract me?

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