Minimalist knock, knock jokes

I’ve seen the Philip Glass knock-knock joke ascribed to Steve Reich. I think the two jokes ought to be distinct.

Here’s the Philip Glass joke:

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Philip Glass

I think the Steve Reich knock-knock joke ought to go something like this:

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Kknock kknock? Wwho’s tthere?

Knknock knknock? Whwho’s ththere?

KnoKnock knoknock? Whowho’s thethere?

KnocKnock knocknock? Who’who’s therthere?

KnockKnock knockknock? Who’swho’s therethere?

Knock,Knock knock,knock? Who’s who’s there there?

Knock, Knock knock knock? Who’s who’s there there?

Knock,Knock knock,knock? Who’s who’s there there?

KnockKnock knockknock? Who’swho’s therethere?

KnocKnock knocknock? Who’who’s therthere?

KnoKnock knoknock? Whowho’s thethere?

Knknock knknock? Whwho’s ththere?

Kknock kknock? Wwho’s tthere?

Knock, knock? Who’s there?

Steve Reich

Yeah, that’s why I’m not in comedy.