Subscription has its privileges

I’m not sure how I got in the habit of putting the links to sound files at the end of entries and never on the front page of this site. In fact, I think the convention for MP3 blogs is to put the link at the very start of the entry.

I’m not good at following directions.

But I ran across a rather promising media player called Songbird. It’s built on the Mozilla platform and has the capability to find media links on a web page and play them. As I type this sentence, I’m listening to the files I’ve posted here as a playlist.

To accomodate this capability in Songbird, I’m posting the "365 Days, 365 Files" entries in full on the front page. While I’ll still keep with my habit of putting links to files at the end of my entries, I won’t hide them either.

In addition to seeking out media links, Songbird allows you to subscribe to RSS feeds and plays any files contained in the feed. It’s a function similar to one my friend Ryan pointed out in iTunes.

You can subscribe to the RSS feed like a podcast by going to Advanced » Subscribe to Podcast and entering the URL of the feed. Once subscribed, iTunes downloads the sound files to your machine. Ryan said he created a playlist on his iPod.