Would you like some ‘Teenage Riot’ with your mocha latte?

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw the headline, "Sonic Youth’s ‘Hits’ Heading To Starbucks" on Billboard.com. But, no — Sonic Youth is actually throwing together a compilation for the coffee chain, and the full title is Hits Are for Squares.

Of course, there were the usual haters who called bullshit on the release, but I thought the idea of Sonic Youth being sold at Starbucks as surreal enough to make sense. Imagine standing in line for your cappuccino and hearing Kim Gordon on the sound system chant, "I wanted to know the exact dimensions of hell. Does this sound simple? Fuck you!"

That would be cool.

Even Thurston Moore realizes the incongruity of the pairing. From the article:

"I guess, for some, Sonic Youth represents something that they don’t really equate with Starbucks," Moore says. "But I kind of like the absurdity of it. Sonic Youth has always, in a way, made itself available to the super mainstream."