Podcast season 1 premieres Sept. 3

Back in 2006, I experimented with a podcast for this site, but I didn’t have a convenient way to set up a microphone properly. I didn’t like anything I recorded, so I abandoned the idea. Now I’ve moved into a new apartment unit where I can set up my microphone properly, and with all the time I’ve been spending in the studio, I figure I’d give the podcast another shot.

What a difference a walk-in closet turned isolation booth can make.

I re-recorded the first few shows I did last year, and I have them at a point where I can finally announce the season premiere of the Podcast on Sept. 3. Season premiere? What? Is it a radio drama?

No, it’s not. It’s actually a set of NPR-style reviews focusing on albums which (IMnot-soHO) ought to be highlighted from time to time. Long-time readers will be familiar with some of the material featured, but I’m hoping newcomers will find something different. As usual, the content will reflect stuff I like.

The shows themselves are roughly 5-6 minutes, so I decided to work in seasons of 10 weekly shows just to guarantee some modicum of productivity. I like the fact the podcast combines work in my home studio with work on my blog, but I don’t want it to overshadow either. I don’t want to get locked into a weekly grind, churning out shows, but I don’t want to make a handful of shows and get sidetracked.

And I’m not doing a brodcast network season either (22 episodes.) I’m aiming for a cable network season (8 to 13 episodes.)

The first six shows are done, and I have four more in the planning stages. Check back Sept. 3 for the series premiere!