Monthly Archives: July 2008

Favorite edition 2008: Quarter second

The half-way point of the year is approximately July 2, since 365 days divided in half is roughly 183. 2008 was a leap year, so July 3 would be the midpoint.

All that to say it’s close enough to the perfect time to evaluate the Favorite Edition 2008 list thus far.

The first quarter had an unusually impressive number of memorable releases, but the second quarter absolutely dropped the ball. So far the domestic release schedule of Q3 hasn’t offered anything to grab my attention, but in Japan, a lot of interesting activity is coming up. (It’ll be interesting to see how polarizing the next ZAZEN BOYS album will be.)

A few second quarter releases do manage to scrape into the Favorite Edition list, and a few titles from Q1 get a stronger endorsement after further evaluation.

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