On the playlist, or more like Project93 for me
A friend of mine pointed me to Project52, something like a year-long Holidailies, but instead of updating your site everyday, you update every week.
Since I’m employing GTD, I made a list of all the titles I’ve got on various playlists. As of this writing, that list has 93 items.
I don’t want to spend the next 93 weeks writing about those items.
Of course, I could group a lot of them into round-ups, and some will get deleted outright. (I’m looking at you, Van Tomiko cover albums.) But I think for the backlog I’ve accumulated, an extended Holidailies approach would be more suitable.
Adding to that backlog, though, does me no favors.
- Alarm Will Sound, a/rhythmia Just try to find the downbeat …
- CHARA, Carol I wasn’t impressed with Honey, but this one seems more rocking than UNION.
- Club Nouveau, Life, Love and Pain I bought this album on my visit to Amoeba Records, and I think I scandalized a few people.
- Darren Hayes, The Tension and the Spark I never even listened to Savage Garden …
- Dry & Heavy, One Punch I get the feeling Full Contact is where Dry & Heavy really blossomed.
- Erasure, The Innocents I’m not fan enough of the band to splurge on the recently-released deluxe edition, but I do like this album very much.
- Fujifabric, TEENAGER RIP Masahiko-san.
- Grand Valley State University New Music Ensemble, Terry Riley: In C Remixed That’s a lot of remixes to take in on one sitting, but they’re really good remixes.
- Hiroshima, Another Place I was trying to eat up my eMusic quota for the month.
- John Adams, Nixon in China News … news … news …
- Kronos Quartet, Tan Dun: Ghost Opera Is this perhaps the last title in my Kronos Re-Acquisition Project?
- Last Forever, Trainfare Home An overlooked Nonesuch release from 2000 somewhere between Hem and Robin Holcomb.
- Likkle Mai, mairation, Roots Candy and MW I hear Likkle Mai’s solo albums aren’t as good as her stuff with Dry & Heavy, but what I’ve heard of mairation isn’t bad.
- LOVE PSYCHEDELICO, ABBOT KINNEY Did they really get rid of the overt Sheryl Crow-isms of the last album?
- Neutral Milk Hotel, Everything Is Huh. This is the same band that would go on to make In the Aeroplane, Over the Sea?
- Res, Black.Girls.Rock! I would so pay for this album, but I’m glad it’s free from Res’ website.
- Sade, Promise In anticipation of the forthcoming Soldier of Love …
- Santigold, Santigold I don’t know what stopped me from getting this album in 2008, but I thank Res for rectifying that situation.
- Stephen Sondheim, Road Show I didn’t listen to the earlier version of this show, Bounce, but I like the score it eventually became.
- Steve Reich, Early Works Nonesuch had a sale, and I wanted to spend some Christmas dough.
- The Gossip, Music for Men I like how the Gossip don’t care whether you think they sold out because, really, they did.
- The Heavymanners, The Heavymanners I miss Dry & Heavy.
- The Replacements, Tim (Expanded Edition) I’m slowly turning into the Replacements fan I should have been growing up.
- We Are Smug, We Are Smug Darren Hayes channeling his inner Trent Reznor.