365 Days, 365 Files: bloodthirsty butchers – Lucky man

bloodthirsty butchers’ follow-up to yamane, titled Kooya ni OKERU bloodthirsty butchers, found the group getting back to its rougher sound. They hadn’t, however, forgotten the songwriting craft employed on the previous album. Coupled with a more concise writing style, the album became one of the group’s tightest.

Toward the end, Kooya ni OKERU bloodthirsty butchers (translation: "bloodthirsty butchers in the wilderness") harkens back to the slower mood of yamane. Till then, the butchers barrel through the first half of the album.

"Lucky man" is simple but dischordant, monotone but rhythmic. Yoshimura Hideki delivers an self-unconscious performance on the track, and the band sounds messy and unhinged.

Long-time readers may remember a series of CD-Rs I would put out at the end of the year, recapping the year’s favorite releases. "Lucky man" appeared on the 2003 edition.

I’m going to cheat a bit with this year-long project and feature tracks which have made their way onto the site before. Partly because I’m lazy, but mostly because they are stand-out tracks from the albums whence they came. And who knows? I may have readers who are hearing these songs for the first time.

If so, welcome and enjoy!

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