How distracting

I’ll be traveling to Honolulu from May 7-13, so entries here will be scarce in the next few weeks.

The playlist itself is a bit slim, and I’m slowly getting familiar with the 20 hours of stuff on there now. I probably won’t have anything about which to write till later in the month.

With allergy season easing up here in Austin, I might be drawn back into the studio to hash out more stuff with Eponymous 4. Oh, and there’s that matter of releasing an EP (essentially an over-glorified short run of 100 copies, but hey, I filed papers with the county clerk’s office for a DBA.)

So yes, I’ve got a lot of distractions to keep me busy. I’ll pop in as usual if something catches my eye or ear. And with any luck, I’ll come home from Hawaiʻi with all new music bounty.