In lieu of a linklog, part the second, or Facebook is my Tumblr now

I mentioned before that I’m not much of a link collector. That has turned out to be untrue.

Thing is? Unless you follow me on teh Facebookz, you won’t see any of these links, and they all aren’t focused on music.

I’ve expounded elsewhere on why I prefer to share links in a closed system like Facebook than on a public blog like this one — factor: convenience — but in an effort to pad this final stretch of Holidailies entries, I’ll offer some of the links that caught my eye in the last few weeks.

  • The Decade in Music Genre Hype The Internet really is eroding a sense of mass culture. In order for popular music to be "popular", it needs to grow out of an underground culture before it crosses over, or so my pop studies professor posited back in college. The fact none of these mini-genres coalesced into a mass movement indicates how much the audience is splintering.
  • 40 Years Old, a Musical House Without Walls ECM has always struck me as a label I could get into, but so far, the only ECM album I own is Meredith Monk’s Book of Days. And this label first released music by Steve Reich and Arvo Pärt.
  • Cookin’ With Coolio This is not a joke. Shaka zulu!
  • Classical music bucks the trend Could the classical recording industry be the indicator of what will happen to the popular music industry? Smaller labels and artist-run ventures pick up where the major labels have abandoned. This reality is already in place in classical music but still only theorized in popular music.
  • Times Talks Vinyl with J&R, Best Buy; Downtown Record Store Owner Has a Different Take I remember when vinyl records were cheaper than CDs. The vinyl resurgence has made them more expensive. Huh? One word comes to mind for people fooled by this price gouging: suckers.
  • What’s Your Workout with Nathan Gunn It’s a Flash feature, so deep linking is not possible. (Suck.) The bottom navigation should have a link to Gunn’s profile. Needs more half nekkid pictures.
  • Rufus picks his gay icons As commented by, the picks themselves are unsurprising, but their descriptions are hilarious.
  • Music Retail: The Rise of Digital Big-ass info graphic