Category: Site News

It’s so quiet (Shhh! Shhh!)

If I don’t post here very much in the next few weeks, it’s because I’m working on a way to bring back the artists directory without making it such a backbreaking data entry time hog.

I’ve been exploring ways to integrate Musicbrainz and Amazon Webservices into the administration of the site. Amazon was already a presence on the site, but now I’ve been working on code to make handling the database easier.

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Redundant, redundant, redundant

It seems I’m posting a lot more to my journal than I’m posting here.

I guess I’m still falling into the trap of saving news-worthy content and punditry on this site, whereas my journal has more personal ruminations of music I’m listening to.

Just so nobody misses out on either, I’m including the RSS feed of the journal on the side there.

And against my better judgment, I’m leaving comments enabled on the journal. I enabled comments on a very early version of this site — before it acquired the brand — and it attracted mindless LFO teenyboppers and clueless Dynamite Hack defenders who thought the band was, I don’t know, good? So I got rid of them.

I think at the most one of my blog-type sites ought to act like a blog-type site, so I’m leaving comments be over at I’m starting to regret it, though.

Fix: ‘unpublished’ entry text now ‘published’

About a week ago, I requested an upgrade to PHP5 from my web host. I didn’t run the appropriate tests on my code, and as a result, all entries on this site were flagged as "unpublished", even though they were. I have now fixed the code to accomodate the changes in PHP5, so now you should be able to navigate the site as expected.

(Are you all reading through RSS now? Because no one even told me this was screwed up.)

UPDATE: Ha! Now I know why no one could tell me it was broken — the damn contact page got messed up as well! OK. The e-mail form should work now. I guess that means I can’t use registered globals with PHP anymore. Suck.

Do you like to FEED?

That was the tagline for the now-defunct Japanese rock band FEED. But I would like to mention the RSS feed (

I know I haven’t really been posting much here, and that thing called "real life" is pretty much the culprit for my negligence. So rather than taking time out of your surfing — which is wasted when you visit here and there’s nothing to see — let a service such as Bloglines take care of it for you.

Sign up for an account, then subscribe to the RSS feed. When I post an update, Bloglines will grab the content from my feed and inform you of an update.

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Much neglected

Yeah, I haven’t been very mindful of this site in the last few weeks. The office has kept me busy, and I’ve been taking classes this semester, so about the only thing I can squeeze in is an occassional post about former members of Number Girl.

I’ve been meaning to review quite a number of albums I’ve been listening to in the last few months. At the risk of stealing my own thunder, maybe I’ll do the Television Without Pity practice of writing a “reviewlet” before replacing it with a full-fledge review. Or I could do what my friend Jette does with her six-minute reviews.

But really, I’m just writing out loud right now.

I am, however, planning to write about:

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Is this it?

You’ve made it — welcome!

This is it — the next iteration of

If you’re wondering where all the old content is, head on over to There, you’ll find the artist directory, reviews and news items. Even the Amazon @ Musicwhore store still works. You won’t find any audio content — I’ve taken that offline.

At the moment, I’m not aiming to do anything terribly ambitious with this new version of the site. I would, however, like to write about more than just Japanese music, and I’m hoping this more open format will allow it.

So yeah — not much to just yet. Till I start chattering away. Thanks for stopping by.